Specializing in teaching beginners, Alan has the second-longest tenure at PMT Dance Studio in New York City (16 years). Throughout his tenure, you could also find him teaching at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and Broadway Dance Center. Aside from teaching, Alan was a competitive dancer, with college dance teams, freestyle crews, and Locking battles.

Among his commercial work, Alan performed live on the TODAY Show three different times. The first time dancing back-up for Vanilla Ice and the most recent as part of the Guinness World Record for Largest Street Dance. He was lucky enough to work with the Brooklyn Nets, JetBlue, and MTV.

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Alan’s latest endeavor has been fatherhood welcoming two children, born in 2021 and 2023. He and his family now reside in Phoenix, AZ where they are closer to family.

Alan still takes trips frequently to New York City, and you might be able to catch a pop up dance class if you’re lucky.